Business Process Optimization

We offer hands-on expertise and experience to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of people, process and systems in your business. Our goal is to make sure the right work is being done by the right people in the most effective way possible, and that you are getting the most value from all your resources.

If so, Clarus would also be happy to support you by developing interfaces, remedying process errors, reducing queries, and coordinating responsibilities more effectively.

Business Process Optimization process uncovers all the relevant sources of waste in a systematic fashion, then the employees are trained in the new process, whose development they will have been involved in since the outset of the process.

From evaluating a single work stream to tackling an enterprise-wide initiative, our services include:

Existing Process Analysis :

Determine what the processes are currently delivering and what they must consistently deliver.

Existing Process Documentation :

Workflows and Standard Operating Procedures are key components of preparing your resources to deliver consistently time and again.

New Process Development:

Almost all business change requires new process development. New initiatives, technologies, and resources require work to be done in new ways.

New Business Process Reengineering

When existing processes are no longer the best approach to meeting your objectives, they must be reengineered to keep pace with change and create opportunities for improved results.

Process Monitoring:

Process monitoring helps to ensure that today’s results contribute to ongoing success. Process monitoring builds proactive tools into processes to allow for continual checks of progress and quality of results.

Systematically uncover all sources of waste

If some of your operational processes are not running smoothly, they are most likely slowing down your business, increasing costs, extending schedules, possibly causing defects, or even resulting d the wrong products.

Clarus LLC will support you by engaging with you and your employees developing the necessary interfaces, remedying process errors, reducing queries, and coordinating responsibilities more effectively. This will uncover all the relevant sources of waste in a systematic fashion before employees are finally trained in the new process.

First, the current process is documented in collaboration with the employees. The form of representation or modeling language – be it a value stream map, EPK, or value chain diagram – is adapted to the needs of each customer. The next step is to analyze the actual processes, identify potential, and define areas for action.

Then a new more efficient and effective process is identified and documented. Finally, implementation of the new process is deployed per the priority of the business operations.